Thursday, October 2, 2008

What's In A Word?

Oh my
gosh! How fun is it to pick out a name for your 'own' blog site, right??!!

No Fun At All!
how much fun it is.

There are like sooo many cute words out there, and everybody else has already snapped up like, every clever title there could ever be! I mean, there are like a million trillion, mczillion words to pick from, right? But they are
all being used, I swear! s-w-e-a-r! And how come everyone else gets to have all the way cute titles, for eternity? Shouldn't we, need to share or something? Like, couldn't we maybe like take turns, you'd think? WWJD?

I would have
loved to use words like daisy, birdy, bloom, condescending, sunny, and tender in my title. Or rosy, sing, home, idle-talk junkie, meadow, faithful, or love. But nothing . . and I mean nothing seemed to come together. Whatever I did think of was either already taken, -- or was pretty lame, let me tell you. Just look at a few of the titles I decided against:

www. longtiredroadtobedtime
www. mormondamselindistress
www. youcantakethegirloutofjuniorhighbutyou
www. hesaidshesaid_Itoldyouthatalreadydon'tyoulisten
www. mycupsizerunnethoverandsodoesmytummy

I mean - come
on, right??

finally - I came up with --and then what happens the very next thing?? The computer tells me somebody else already has that blogspot title too!!

Twenty minutes and one 5th grade neighbor later -- I gratefully learn it is only 'me' who is the somebody else. Why don't these computers come with an instruction manual, you know? . . . Well, I mean, I suppose they do. . . But who's going to look at
those? . . . You'd have to be an idiot!

I guess the point of the whole matter is --- don't get your own blogspot now. Don't even try, I'm telling you. There is nothing left out there. Nothing.

I'm just going to have to try and do the best I can, -- for
all of us. I know there's a lot on our minds - but I'm up to the task. You don't know 'a lot on your mind' 'til you've seen what's weighing on me. And, --if you really, really just feel like you have to say something somewhere (and since I have the last blog title in the whole universe of any real relevance or cuteness) - I guess you could comment here.

But keep it brief. This isn't your site.


Unknown said...

It's my site now, sister! I'm just going to write and write and write and write and write and write and write and write!
Very clever little ditty (not the "P" kind of "didy").
-Itty Bitty Bro.

Anonymous said...

You, woman, are too funny for words!

Anonymous said...

um, i very rarely laugh out loud but you get me everytime!

i really love the
cracking UP! story of my life.
